Monday, December 8, 2008


Here are a few pictures from the (Galloping Grace Youth Ranch) Christmas tree stand we went to on Saturday. We all had a great time, thanks Max and Michelle! I'm not sure Sierra was too excited about Santa. I tried all morning to tell her nice things about him but it didn't work. At least in this picture she is ok because she's sitting in Noah's lap.

My adorable nephew
I tried one more time because I wanted one with the Santa hats Tammy brought but maybe that wasn't a good idea!
At least one of my kids LOVES Santa! My favorite picture of the day, Tammy's son hidding in the trees (so sweet)So many fun things to do....

1 comment:

The Wades said...

super cute post! we're so glad you made it to the Christmas Corral.

That picture of Deuce is such a framer!